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While this great state may be the most sparsely populated in the USA, they still have some of the best matchmaking opportunities you’ll find on the web. Using the top Wyoming dating sites recommended in this guide you’re sure to find the exact love match you’ve been looking for. The matchmaking sites have lots of signups from the different cities – Cheyanne, Casper, Gillette, and Green River – but they’ve also got lots of Wyoming singles from the rural regions in between.

Technology is going to be your best friend in your search for love. Finding compatible matches has never been easier than on the best Wyoming dating sites. Use the free download mobile apps to connect to your account, no matter where you roam during the day – just be sure you have an internet connection, and you’re good to go. Check your messages easily and update your profile all through the mobile dating apps. Try out their free trial memberships to get a feel for the site and potential love matches, before you upgrade to a paying account.

Top 5 Dating Sites in Wyoming

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#2Christian Mingle
#4Elite Singles

Wyoming Singles Dating Statistics

Total Population

  • 577,737

Population in Wyoming by Gender

  • 49% women in Wyoming
  • 51% men in Wyoming

Overall Singles by Gender

  • 46% of women in Wyoming are single
  • 46% of men in Wyoming are single

Population in Wyoming by Age

  • 12% aged from 20-29 years old
  • 13% aged from 30-39 years old
  • 11% aged from 40-49 years old
  • 12% aged from 50-59 years old
  • 23% aged 60+ years old

% Households With Internet in WY

  • 81.1% of households in Wyoming have internet access


What Makes These the Best Wyoming Dating Apps?

Searching for an Oklahoma single that likes sports, mountain climbing, or rodeos? The online matchmakers we’ve suggested have you covered for all types of potential matches. Easily find the love you’ve been searching for on the most trusted Wyoming dating sites listed here.

Technology to Find Wyoming Singles

Communicate in a fun way through the Wyoming dating site technology. Using the regular browser site or the mobile app, you can quickly respond to messages from potential matches that you’ve identified as compatible with your dating preferences. Several of the recommended sites have compatibility surveys that set your preferred attributes in the matches you will receive – other sites will have you set your dating preferences directly on your profile, which they use with their trusted matchmaking technology algorithms to match you with the best Wyoming singles.

Tons of Wyoming Singles From All the Major Cities

Every Wyoming single from Evanston to Sheridan, Jackson to Laramie; they’re all on the top matchmaking communities listed in our guide. Other Wyoming dating sites just don’t have the numbers of potential matches that these top sites have. Use the advanced search tools to locate a mate in whatever city or region you desire. Enter the city as the keyword search term, such as “Cheyenne” or “Casper;” or use the distance from you search. If you’re traveling from another state, use the keyword search term by city to quickly find your desired match no matter your current location.

WY Dating Apps

Our lives are constantly on the go, from work to home to your daily tasks out of the home. The best Wyoming dating sites offer a free downloadable dating app. The mobile dating apps give you full access to your subscribed features, and even a few bonuses like the ability to set push notifications and the video date on eHarmony’s platform. All that’s needed to connect through the mobile app is an internet connection. Look for these helpful apps in your device’s store – either the Google Play store for Android devices or the iTunes store for iOS mobile devices.

Best Free Dating Sites in Wyoming

If you’re ready to take the plunge into online matchmaking, you’ll definitely want to start with the free trial memberships offered by each of the Wyoming dating sites. These free accounts require only an email address to get started. Consider them your personal sneak peek into the online matchmaker interface and the way to find out what Wyoming singles interest you on the sites. Sign up today with the direct link provided below to the free trial memberships.

Dating Sites Wyoming
RankSiteFree Trial Link
#2Christian Mingle
#4Elite Singles

Dating in Wyoming

Local Dating

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UrbanSocial dating has been bringing singles men and women together for meaningful relationships since 2003. Only the best dating sites can continue to successfully connect singles online year after year. If you're looking to meet local singles in Wyoming, it's time you joined UrbanSocial dating, and started your search for love.

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Single Women online:
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Online Dating in Wyoming - Connecting Singles

Singles on UrbanSocial US local to Wyoming are from the following areas - Casper, Cheyenne, Gillette, Laramie, Rock Springs,

Wyoming dating website for single men and women in Wyoming and the surrounding area. 10+ years experience and free to join.

Meet Singles in Wyoming

Local Single Men

Harry, 48

Wyoming, Hillsdale

Chris, 39

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Wyoming, Casper

Ron, 47

Wyoming, Torrington

James, 67

Wyoming, Rock Springs

Kathy, 63

Wyoming, Alta

Jacob, 22

Wyoming, Fe Warren AfbOver

James, 25

Wyoming, Cheyenne
Local Single Women

Rhonda, 62

Wyoming, Gillette

Shannon, 46

Wyoming, Fe Warren Afb

Samantha, 26

Wyoming, Riverton

Michelle, 54

Wyoming, Rock Springs

Marie, 52

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Wyoming, Cheyenne

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Barbara, 65

Wyoming, Jackson

Cindy, 56

Wyoming, Cheyenne